Friday, January 29, 2010

Good People

I am blessed to be surrounded by good people in my life.  Tonight Maxine and I went to the movie "The Blind Side". It's one of those feel good movies that leaves you with a lighter heart. Tomorrow I'm making dinner for Brenda for our monthly get together, and so today I shopped for food and flowers to make our evening of friendship a little bit more special. Last night I chatted on the phone with my mother; this morning with my daughter.

Yesterday at Toastmasters, Paul gave a speech that included Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. I remember studying this in college and it was good to get a refresher course. After physiological needs and safety and security the next need is love and belongingness. As I listened to his speech I thought about the wonderful blessings of love and belongingness that I experience everyday in my life, because of the good people who love me.

On a daily basis I have opportunities to interact with outstanding people, my life is richer because of the good people in my life.

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